
i was looking for this in all web sites related with sa-mp and I didnґt found what I want. Iґm asking if itґs possible to attach TextDraws on the PickUps(house pickups), I donґt know if you undresteand what I mean.

If isґpossible, please give me an idea how to make it!


Don't understand, attach a textdraws on a pickup? Impossible, but you can show a textdraw if he walk in a pickup.

I'm guessing you mean if you can attach a 3DTextLabel to a Pickup. If so, as far as I know it's impossible, but what you can do is create a 3DTextLabel by using Create3DTextLabel and set it at the same position as the pickup.

I'm guessing you mean a 3D Text Label.

Ofcourse its possible huh? You create the pickup at a position and the label at the same position like this

pawn Код:
CreatePickup(1239, 1, 2565.5811,-2129.6709,0.3226);
Create3DTextLabel("Text1\nText2", -1, 2565.5811,-2129.6709,0.3226, 15, 0, 1);
Text 1 is up and text 2 comes under text 1, -1 is the color white but you can change it just define a color and put it there. Your welcome

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