Alternative ideas for melee damage outside of map.

I've got this huge map, there's no way I could possibly get it in SanAndreas map, ( except removing all San Andreas objects, which sound silly, so I am searching for alternative. Since I am having hard time finding one I am asking your help.
It would be appreciated that somebody could come up with solution ( Doesn't have to be actual player HP )

Derp?? That the fuck are your talking about ?

Originally Posted by [uL]Pottus
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Derp?? That the fuck are your talking about ?
If you used common sense then you would understand.
There's "boundries" in san andreas map.
When you go out of them, melee damage doesn't exist, it doesn't happen on recieving side, nor GivePlayerDamage works.
So I am asking for alternatives if somebody could come up with some

If you go out of the bounds, the message will be shown and you won't be able to actually get out of them.

It's not related about boundries and I do think I know what you're talking about. Like being far away in a map and you try to kill a player with sniper/chainsaw/knife, those weapons (and few more I think) will do simply nothing.

Originally Posted by Konstantinos
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If you go out of the bounds, the message will be shown and you won't be able to actually get out of them.

It's not related about boundries and I do think I know what you're talking about. Like being far away in a map and you try to kill a player with sniper/chainsaw/knife, those weapons (and few more I think) will do simply nothing.
All projectile weapons work, but weapons such as knife / katana / (maybe chainsaw(which is not required) ) doesn't work.

I used to have the same problem for some cool maps (for DMing) and unfortunatelly I couldn't use sniper (I love sniper!) and knife. I read some similar threads about the same problem and not a solution was given. I also tried to make a fix for it, but I couldn't because if an object was in front of the player, IsPlayerAimingAt would fail so I gave up.

Like I said, I don't think there's something you can do.

Last thing I could do is use
IsPlayerInRangeOf & GetPlayerAnimationIndex & IsPlayerLookingAt :/ but it's quite laggy though...

Instead of mapping stuff out of the map, map them near the interriors up in the sky. I don't know what kind of maps you are using thought.

Originally Posted by Tamer T
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Instead of mapping stuff out of the map, map them near the interriors up in the sky. I don't know what kind of maps you are using thought.
I require water parts, that's the thing, the map is really huge so there's nothing to do. Aswell as, If I removed San Andreas it would have problems since my map requires water surrounding it from all sides. It's like 20k objects right now.

You can't remove San Andreas anyways

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