Originally Posted by DanishHaq
A 1-10k script takes about 5 seconds
A 11-20k script takes a bit more and so on
Giving those estimates is kinda stupid, since the compilation time is almost 100% determined by the computer. If i were to go ahead and compile a 10k script on my raspberry pi, i bet ya it won't compile in 5 seconds :3
I have had this problem before, and you have to end the pawncc process in order to stop compiling. Last time i did it, it was because my macro (#define ...) caused the compiler to start looping.
When the PAWN compiler crashes, it dumps the crash output to the compile dialog. Well, that's at least what it does through WINE on Linux. So basically, your compiler isn't crashing, it just can't stop compiling because you did something that makes it loop.
Originally Posted by DanishHaq
Badly scripted scripts with bad indention will take a long time to compile. Note: compiling can take up to 1 minute or two depending on these two factors.
No. I suppose you mean "Indentation" with "indention". Indentation is 100% astetichs, it is NOT required for the script to run, and, for the compiler to compile faster.
The reason the compiler complains about "loose indentation" is because it WANTS people to indent their script!
What CAN, however, make it much slower is bad scripting. If you make all strings in your script 512 or 256 long (when the chatbox max is 12

you are just wasting cells, you will get a bigger AMX file, and your compiler will be slow as hell.
Hope i helped,