[FilterScript] [FS] Fallout's Tuned vehicles (stay tuned after respawn)

Fallout's Tuned Vehicles

becouse there are a lot of people who want to have tuned cars in their server, I've made this filterscript to add tuned vehicles.
there were some problems with adding the vehicle components at OnVehicleSpawn... it's a little samp bug.

How to install:
- Put this filterscript in this folder: server\filterscripts\<here>
- Add F_Tune (or F_Tune_Ex) to your filterscripts line in server.cfg


//this is how it looks like if you add more vehicles.


I did not tested it yet, but it seams ok. Very good job VERY GOOD. I'll test it later... Tnx

Originally Posted by Dujma
I did not tested it yet, but it seams ok. Very good job VERY GOOD. I'll test it later... Tnx

Originally Posted by °Fallout°
Originally Posted by Dujma
I did not tested it yet, but it seams ok. Very good job VERY GOOD. I'll test it later... Tnx
I have one question... What is the id of cars? ex. when I want to go to this tuned sultan... /gotocar [id?]


the id of a sultan is 560 and the sultan is in wangwars (at the pay 'n spray of san fierro)

Originally Posted by °Fallout°
the id of a sultan is 560 and the sultan is in wangwars (at the pay 'n spray of san fierro)
hehe I didn't mean the model id, I mean the car id... ex. in OnGameModeInIt, you have the correct order of cars.. First 34 car are house cars, then as you add cars the ids go 35,36,37 and so on...And then you can use /gotocar... I want to know do these cars have a id, and if they do where are they?

i don't understand what you mean with the id....
that id will be different in your mode, than in mine
but you can always find them in the WangCars garage and at The Big Ear

The vehicle ids will change as you add and move them about so you will have to count the vehicles in your gamemode till you get to the one you want.

In this case you can use Sultan1 as the vehicle ID.

how i make compents

use addvehiclecomponent
you can see it in this script

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