[FilterScript] BB - TP Commands

BB-TP Commands, First Release.


/tpcmds for the list of tp Commands
Airport: /oa - Old Airport || /sfa - San Fierro Airport || /lsa - Los Santos Airport || /lva - Las Venturas Airport
PD: /lspd - Los Santos Police Department || /lvpd - Las Venturas Police Derpartment || /sfpd - /San Fierro Police Department
Tune Garages: /tune1 - Tune Garage 1 || /tune2 - Tune Garage 2 || /tune3 - Tune Garage 3 || /tune4 - Tune Garage 4
City Hall: /lsch - Los Santos City Hall || /lvch - Las Venturas City Hall || /sfch - San Fierro City Hall
Hospital: /cg - Country General || /lsh - Los Santos Hospital || /lvh - Las Venturas Hospital || /sfh - San Fierro Hospital
Drifting: /xdrift - Extreme Drift
Country: /pc - Palomino Creek
Other: /ps - Pirate Ship || /beach - Beach || /mc - Mount Chilliad

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Completely useless script.
P.S. For RP servers.

Originally Posted by x96664
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Completely useless script.
P.S. For RP servers.
It's Not Useless,If u think Useless Just don't reply in such Topics bcz u hurt Someone Feelings.Maybe it tooked him Hours to get Cordinates.

@OnTopic:Well It's Nice if u r a Beginner Scripter.

It is usefull for DM / TDM server, and also in RP for admins


Originally Posted by Meow22
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It's Not Useless,If u think Useless Just don't reply in such Topics bcz u hurt Someone Feelings.Maybe it tooked him Hours to get Cordinates.

@OnTopic:Well It's Nice if u r a Beginner Scripter.
I said it's useless for RP servers. Also my opinion is that girl's feelings could be hurt easier and you always should accept different kinds of criticism.

Since most commands are pretty much the same, you could just do this (function created by me, although there's a similar one on SA-MP forums somewhere):
pawn Код:
stock SetPlayerPosEx(playerid,cmdname[],locname[],Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z,int,vw,color) // cmdname = commandname, e.g. /aa, locname = place, e.g. abandoned airport, color is the color of the message that you want to be sent, rest are pretty much straightforward
    new string[128];
    format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has teleported to %s (%s)",PlayerName(playerid),locname,cmdname);
    return 1;
It will make the script a lot shorter, instead of doing the same thing over and over again:
pawn Код:
new string[128];
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has teleported to TP1",PlayerName(playerid));
return 1;
Example of usage:
SetPlayerPosEx(playerid,"/blueberryfarm","Blueberry Farm",0,0,25,0,0,0x00FF00FF);
Will send the player to a farm in blueberry, and will send a green coloured message

PS Nice work for a new scripter. Good luck with future releases (if you plan any).

Thanks Guys, And x96664 Dont reply if its useless, that just means to be Post Boosting, did i say that its usefull for rp script?, so why you?

Oh, I'm sorry for hurting you feelings and soft soul, it's an awesome script for freeroam/stunt servers.

thanks, dont insult me again pls.

Originally Posted by BlackBomb
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thanks, dont insult me again pls.
I didn't insult you, first I stated my mind about the script in use for Rp servers after that I said that the script is useful for freeroam and stunt servers. I saw how you called me and that's why you received an infraction.

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