A suggestion regarding the Videos/Screenshots section

As you may have noticed, the Videos/Screenshots have become a sneaky advertisement board.

Users put the server name all over the thread and post pictures/videos showcasing how 'great' their servers are.
Sometimes users actually post multiple videos in short periods of time to promote as much as possible.

The reason this is possible for them is because they only state the name, and put the IP in their signature.
Because they are not posting the IP in the post, they are not technically breaking the rules.

Now I know this may seem very smart and innocent but I kinda liked to just watch people's creations and such, but now it seems to become a second advertisement board. So I suggest a new rule to prevent this; No longer allowing promotional posts for servers.

Basicly meaning; No pictures displaying the server name and no mentioning the server in question.

I hope y'all agree, and if not, I'd love to hear your opinions about it!

Originally Posted by justsomeguy
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Basicly meaning; No pictures displaying the server name and no mentioning the server in question.
But it might happen that the person posting the video is not part of its staff but just a regular player, and the video shows something that is unique to that server, and then you want to know what server that is so you can join it and enjoy that feature yourself.
For example, some years ago I used to play in Littlewhiteys and I wasn't admin nor anything like that but just a player. That server had a unique feature: road races in which I could use a Rustler to shoot the racers. It might have happened that I had posted a video of myself doing that, and in that case it would have been logical that I had mentioned the name of the server because someone might have wanted to know where to play like that.

I agree, yo. People are also spamming and advertising their servers in the Gamemodes section too, labeling it as a Gamemode so it won't alert admins as easily.

They should just block server IP addresses from every forum except Server Advertisements IMO.

Originally Posted by Gryphus One
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But it might happen that the person posting the video is not part of its staff but just a regular player, and the video shows something that is unique to that server, and then you want to know what server that is so you can join it and enjoy that feature yourself.
For example, some years ago I used to play in Littlewhiteys and I wasn't admin nor anything like that but just a player. That server had a unique feature: road races in which I could use a Rustler to shoot the racers. It might have happened that I had posted a video of myself doing that, and in that case it would have been logical that I had mentioned the name of the server because someone might have wanted to know where to play like that.
If people are wanting to play that server, they could ofcourse pm the OP and ask for an server name/IP.
I can understand that it may be kind of an extreme measure but people are sincerely busing it. Posting server tags all over the section..

Well atleast it makes it easier to decide if you want to visit the server or not. Usually those promotional videos are all about cops doing traffic stops and gang members walking down the road. lol

Well you got my positive opinion regarding this issue. As you said people are putting their server name, IP etc on their sig. I wondered much times why the person didn't even get warned about that. Once I read that the ONLY place to advertise your server is at the Server Advertisements section, and any other way will be considered non-allowed. I can't find the thread which talked about this problem, but I will edit my post with a quote from it.
Totally agreed about videos though. Even they seem they ain't breaking the rules, they are a source to the server anyhow.

Originally Posted by Emmet_
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I agree, yo. People are also spamming and advertising their servers in the Gamemodes section too, labeling it as a Gamemode so it won't alert admins as easily.

They should just block server IP addresses from every forum except Server Advertisements IMO.
Agree with you

Originally Posted by Y_Less
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Report button:

Are we allowed to report those posts? Because they do not contain IP's, and aren't technically breaking the rules.

I have mixed thoughts on this. Neutral for now.

Yeash, it does seem that way. I'm with you on this one, m8

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