I have a question is it even possible to do..

I have question is it possible to remove like some x y coordinates.. Not full map.

You can remove SA objects with RemoveBuildingForPlayer (https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/RemoveBuildingForPlayer)

You can easily remove the objects with a map editor, like this one: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=282801

Yeah I know that... but i thought like smaller area.. and in game .. basically to take a shawl and make a hole or something...

Nope, I don't think that it's possible..only thing is to remove objects from the whole area, and remap it again.
You can't remove a part of a ready object already.

You can delete landmasses, and border them with walls or something if you want. But mind you - the landmasses are made to fit each other perfectly like a jigsaw, so it would look weird.

true.. just trying to make some mining cave... so basically I want to make something cool.. Like go dig a gold etc..

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