Expire Date System

Hi guys...

I'm searching DATE (Expire) system... And finally when i found the download link was down:

So can someone give me another thread (i searched whole 2 days and cant find) with functions like this or can you give me example code...


If i rights you can get expire system on U-RP mode in their vip system, look there for the word expire and you should find it.
here you go:

Ok thanks man... I will try it but im sure that it is what i am looking for
Because i just need the script to calculate passed days months etc...

REP +1

I remember when i played with friends on home hosting server then my friend put me VIP and its wrote me:
Your VIP will expire more one month 5/29/12 and expire on dd/mm/yy something like that.

Yes but that's not so big problem... i can make that with GetDate function. I want something to calculate difference between two dates...

The VIP system in U-RP is calculated by one month

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