Is this the right way to use strings in mysql callbacks?

Well I just moved to mysql. Is this the right way?

UPDATE username = `%s` where ID = %d", ID)

Basically this part, `%s`. Should I always use `%s`? I noticed in some examples people used '%s'

strings should be ' (Apostrophe) in MySQL or SQLite

Right Code
pawn Код:
UPDATE `username` = '%s' where `ID` = %d", ID)

I noticed you did `username`. Should I always do that, or? Also I did use ' before but thing is, it errors out when I have to save a business with name for example: John's store

You can put ` or not. So far as I know about MySQL

Originally Posted by 101
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I noticed you did `username`. Should I always do that, or? Also I did use ' before but thing is, it errors out when I have to save a business with name for example: John's store
Yea, it's the most commonly used method, you'd need to specifcy the table name too though. Something like this would work:

pawn Код:
format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `Users` SET `Admin`='%d' WHERE `Username`='%s'", level, receivername);
mysql_query(query); // this line depends on the MySQL version you're using, this mysql_query(query)'ll work on versions of R7 or less I think.
UPDATE `Users` - users table
SET `Admin`='%d' - set admin level
WHERE `Username`='%s' - where the username is the specified one, i.e. selects the row and edits it there.

What about the problem when strings I am saving have ' in them?

No, there will no ' (Apostrophe) when you save the Player's data, it will be the same, you just need an ' (Apostrophe) at every string when you're using MySQL or SQLite

Im not sure you are getting what I mean. Im unable to save (update) the tables of my business data, because my business name is John's store. The 's bugs it up.

Can you show us your code? since there's no variable of the Player's name

pawn Код:
//you don't have any variable or something that get the Player's name
UPDATE username = `%s` where ID = %d", ID)
pawn Код:
//Code that gets the Player's username
new PlayerName[24];
GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
UPDATE username = `%s` where ID = %d",PlayerName, ID)
This would help you learning MySQL, just read the topic and you'll learn MySQL

stock SaveBizzzz(bizid)
 format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE businesses SET `bname`='%s'",BizInfo[bizid][bName],bizid);

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