Port forwarding

So yeah I've been trying to port forward but it doesn't seem to work.
So here's what I done.I did the utorrent thing to get 7776 port...But this doesn't work why?
Protocol TCP

Public port 7776

Local port 776

Local IP address  My IPv4 only    

Comment FTP


echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password ****
maxplayers 10
port 7776
hostname ****
gamemode0 ****
filterscripts ****
announce 0
query 1
chatlogging 0
weburl www.sa-mp.com
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
If you help me I give +REP.

to port forward you have to go to your your gateway, don't know it? then open "Command Prompt" (C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe) type in "ipconfig" and press enter. Look for "default gateway" and next to that should be a IP, something like, "" go to you webbrowser enter the IP into the URL box and go. A box asking for Username and Password should pop up, the default Username should be "admin" and default password should be "admin" or "password" now click login, now look for link or button "port forwarding" or "Services" click it and click "add" now, name: anything you want, type: TCP/UDP start: (port number) end: (same as start)

hope you understand

Well I don't idk what to write where.

Listen Bro , You Need To Check Your Gateway , to check it , open start , write in search bar "cmd" after you write cmd then write ipconfig check your gate way , now open your internet setup website (write in any browser you gate way ) a username and password will appear you need to know your password and username (if you don't know it call your internt service ) sometimes the username name and password is admin , then click on basic , then click on nat , then virtual server , then copy your router ip http://whatismyipaddress.com/ then submit hope it work and btw you can't give reps you are -reps . any way I want to help I am not looking for reps

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