Questions about command.

I think I have seen commands that could only be used once per life. Which I mean is, like for example I spawn once, probably as a Cop , I use the command for example, /spikestrip and then the object is released but I can't use the command until I respawn. Is it like possible? One command per life. Another example, a simpler one. Ok, lets say I m playing a DM match and its free that everyone has a health kit. Once the player is hurt, he can use the /kit to heal himself. But the command can only be used once. The next time he can use it is when he respawns. Is this possible? Secondly, I wanted to know the same thing but a little different than the command above. Is it also possible that a player could use a command but then he can use it only again after 1/2 mins. He doesn't have to respawn? Are this even possible. Hope someone could answer my problems on this topic. Thanks in advance.

You would want to look into OnPlayerDeath to process the first two requests. As for the final one, that is relatively simple.

pawn Код:
// Toward the top of your script.

new UsedKit[MAX_PLAYERS];

// Under OnPlayerConnect

UsedKit[playerid] = 0;

// Under your /kit Command:

if(UsedKit[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"[SERVER]: You've already used your one Medical Kit.");

// below that:

UsedKit[playerid] = 1;

// Under OnPlayerDeath

UsedKit[playerid] = 0;
The above code (if implemented correctly) will allow the said player to only use /kit once before respawning. As for the cooldown, you'd want a timer.

pawn Код:
// Under your /kit command

SetTimerEx("ResetKit",(60000*2),0,"d",playerid); // This will disallow the player from using /kit for two minutes.

// Bottom of your script.
forward ResetKit(playerid);
public ResetKit(playerid)
    UsedKit[playerid] = 0;
    return 1;

Thanks for the reply. +Rep

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