15.08.2013, 00:04
Hello all SA-MP players. I've a business system in my script and it's working perfect in all things except one thing it's the saving to the MySQL database
I lately knew the source of the error and it's when I use the (') character into the (/bizdescription ) command to set the business description happens the errors. And when I use the (/bizdescription ) command without the (') character like: (/bizdescription Idlewood 24/7) it saves perfect without that error
And here's the function that saves the business to the database. NOTE: the function called with the /bizdesctiption command to save the business.
So I hope you guys help me. Thanks.
00:33:30] [ZCMD] [Michael Robinson]: /bizdescription Michaele's Supermarket [00:33:31] [MySQL] Query Error - (ErrorID: 1064) (Handle: 1) [00:33:31] [MySQL] Check /logs/querydump.log to review the query that threw the error. [00:33:31] Dumping query from 2013/8/15 (0:33:31) Description: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's Supermarket', `Owner`= 'Michael Robinson', `ExteriorX`=1833.556762, `ExteriorY`=-1842.6' at line 1 (index 0). Query: [00:33:31] UPDATE `businesses` SET `Owned` = 1, `Description` = 'Michaele's Supermarket', `InteriorWorld` = 17, `OwnerName` = 'Michael Robinson', `PosX` = 1833.556762, `PosY` = -1842.611450, `PosZ` = 13.578120, `PosA` = 0.000000, `Lock`= 0, `Type` = 1, `EnterFee` = 50, `Value` = 0, `Money` = 0, `Products` = 15, `Sold` = 35 WHERE `id` = 1
And here's the function that saves the business to the database. NOTE: the function called with the /bizdesctiption command to save the business.
pawn Код:
stock BusinessSave(bizid)
format(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE `businesses` SET `Owned` = %d, `Description` = %d, `InteriorWorld` = %d, `OwnerName` = '%s', `PosX` = %f, `PosY` = %f, `PosZ` = %f, `PosA` = %f", bizData[bizid][b_Owned], bizData[bizid][b_Name], bizData[bizid][b_INT], bizData[bizid][b_Owner], bizData[bizid][b_fX], bizData[bizid][b_fY], bizData[bizid][b_fZ], , bizData[bizid][b_fA]);
format(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "%s, `Lock` = %d, `Type` = %d, `EnterFee` = %d, `Value` = %d, `Money` = %d, `Products` = %d, `Sold` = %d WHERE `id` = %d", szQuery, bizData[bizid][b_Lock], bizData[bizid][b_Type], bizData[bizid][b_EntFee], bizData[bizid][b_Value], bizData[bizid][b_Money], bizData[bizid][b_Products], bizData[bizid][b_Sold], bizid+1);
mysql_function_query(iConnectionHandle, szQuery, false, "OnQueryFinish", "i", THREAD_NO_RESULT);