Is it possible to get rid of the lag?

Is it possible for a SA-MP version where there is no lag? Or where the lag will only be a problem for the player with the bad connection, like on xbox live. I hate on servers where people with lag always are the best because its very hard to shoot them. I think it should be the other way round like on proper gaming services.

There's an anti lag sync shoot script hiding somewhere on these forums (theres a secret weapon at the top of the forum you can use to find it but I won't tell). Stopping vehicle lag is not in it though, and I think it would be MUCH harder to do.

It all behaves off ping, so if the user is not close to a server and has high ping, its going to still effect you.

On call of duty if someone lags it is their problem though, they get shot before they even see on their screen.

Why doesn't it work this way?

Use OnPlayerGiveDamage and you'll get well served for a while.

One day I played in a server in which upon spawning, instead of you having 100 hp as always, your health was set based on your lag, so the bigger it was, the less health you were given.

cessil's server (scripted by himself) had an anti-lag feature. Maybe wait for him to post here.

Originally Posted by Potassium
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cessil's server (scripted by himself) had an anti-lag feature. Maybe wait for him to post here.
It's the OnPlayerGiveDamage callback. Been there, done that.

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