04.08.2015, 02:48
Sam's Hidden Packages System
Hello my dear friend, This is one of my favourite FS cause it is Of finding the packages. I could hardly find one like this so i decided to make my Own!
A total of 100 "Hidden Packages" are placed around the whole map of San Andreas, with a Sound when finding one "Hidden Package", and the Original text as in GTA: Vice City.
Once you found one "Hidden Package", the amount of found "Hidden Packages" will increase by one.
Every "Hidden Package" which has been found, will be saved in the player's file.
When you finally found 100 "Hidden Packages", you’ ll get a bonus of $20000, like in GTA: Vice City.
1- You can change the amount of "Hidden Packages" in the PAWN file.
2- You can change the reward in the PAWN file.
- Download it!
- Add the filterscript "[FS]Hidden_Packages.amx" in your "filterscripts" folder.
- Add it in the "server.cfg" like "filterscripts [FS]Hidden_Packages".
- You must have a folder called "HiddenPackages" in your "scriptfiles" folder.
Images are At: http://imgur.com/a/bF3Mh