01.07.2013, 17:43
Hey everyone.
Everytime when I user the mysql_GetString function, there is a % at the end of the string, that should not be there.
Example: In my database there is a text field, utf8_swdish_ci with "Test". When I select this string via mysql_GetString the function returns "Test%".
Here is my function....
Maybe there is a mistake in my database?
/edit: The string is saved correctly - so in my database I have the field "Test", not "Test%"
Everytime when I user the mysql_GetString function, there is a % at the end of the string, that should not be there.
Example: In my database there is a text field, utf8_swdish_ci with "Test". When I select this string via mysql_GetString the function returns "Test%".
Here is my function....
stock mysql_GetString(Table[], Field[], Where[], Is[]) { new query[128], Get[128]; mysql_real_escape_string(Table, Table); mysql_real_escape_string(Field, Field); mysql_real_escape_string(Where, Where); mysql_real_escape_string(Is, Is); format(query, 128, "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = '%s'", Field, Table, Where, Is); mysql_query(query); mysql_store_result(); mysql_fetch_row(Get); return Get; }
/edit: The string is saved correctly - so in my database I have the field "Test", not "Test%"