05.10.2013, 20:39
Последний раз редактировалось Gazzy; 05.10.2013 в 21:18.
How to port forward your SA-MP Server
By Gazzy
Hey guys! I'm going to show you how to simply portforward your SA-MP server so that other people may join it.By Gazzy
Step 1. Getting your default gateway.
First of all, we're going to need our default gateway to access our router 'database'. Go to your start menu and type in search 'Run' or 'CMD', if you open Run then just type CMD and open it.Then type 'ipconfig' and go to your default gateway and write it down (Mine is

Step 2. Accessing the router.
Now we need to access our router. In your internet browser, in the address bar, type your default gateway (Mine is and login to your router.

Then go to Advanced settings and go down to security.

Step 3. Port Forwarding
Then click port forwarding, type a name (SA-MP), a port, usually 7777 and Start and End ports will be the same, select UDP and then go back to your CMD and write down the IPv4 address (Mine is and enter that for the IP address.

Click save and you're done!
Thanks for reading