hex bug.


When you use more than 5 hex codes in one sendclientmessage, then you don't see the message.

Any example?
Btw, it's possibly because the whole messages (including those colour codes) is longer than 128 characters.

I talk about messages in sa-mp. Like:

SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,"{00FF01}*~~* Wanna weapons, drugs - {DA881A}(/call drugs dealers), {00FF01}weapons - {DA881A}(/call weapons seller) {00FF01}*~~*");
And i don't get this message, when i remove some hex codes, then i get this message. I think it's sa-mp bug, and devoulper shoud fix it.

Sorry for my bad English.

Do you mean the whole message disappears?

Originally Posted by leong124
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Any example?
Btw, it's possibly because the whole messages (including those colour codes) is longer than 128 characters.
Common misconception: CHAT INPUT has a limit of 128 characters; client messages can be up to 144 characters.

But yes, every colour you use adds 8 characters so use them sparingly (3 per SCM) or find other ways to display information (i.e. textdraws).

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