licenses Trucking -HELP please-

Hello ,
today i wanna ask for your help guy
i will enter directly to the subject
now am using this filter script on my rp server

Pastebin : Truck Job(Out of the city)

but this last , i want to make it with licenses
mean i player must have level +2 and he must have a Truck , (Road train or Petrol , or tanker models)

i mean i want some one help me how to make this job with licesnses valid like driving licenses
i mean if he get in the truck without the licenese he cant work at this job

i hope really guys got my idea and help me soon as posible ,
thanks , thank you (reader)

Have you got a player stats system ?

@Paul , Like what , Explain to me good , because am just newbie scripter (I really am hard working to learn evry stuff)

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