05.05.2013, 17:21
How would I make a command like this??
[13:19:57] ** [Usage]: /3d [font] [width] [height] [text]
[13:19:57] ** Font 1-4: Oldschool font // Bold font // Normal font // SAMP font
[13:19:57] ** Width/Height: This can range from 1-10, multiplicating the size.
[13:19:57] Colors: ~r~/~b~/~l~/~w~/~y~/~g~/~p~ New line: ~n~
[13:19:57] ** [Usage]: /3d [font] [width] [height] [text]
[13:19:57] ** Font 1-4: Oldschool font // Bold font // Normal font // SAMP font
[13:19:57] ** Width/Height: This can range from 1-10, multiplicating the size.
[13:19:57] Colors: ~r~/~b~/~l~/~w~/~y~/~g~/~p~ New line: ~n~