PF and FTP from gateway


I've got OpenBSD 4.2 set up as a firewall/gateway.
I'm using pf and ftp-proxy.
All of that is working fine from behind the lan, clients can get to ftp sites and retrieve files. My issue is the gateway box itself can not.
I try to set the PKG_PATH environment variable so i can download packages
but i keep getting timeouts. From the tcpdump output i'm seeing pf is
blocking connections back to the gateway box's port 20 and blocking outgoing
connections. I can connect to the ftp sites just fine from behind the
gateway from lan boxes, and can connect fine from the gateway, but when i go
to do anything like an ls, or a cd or a get, i get disconnected.
Any ideas what to check?

Anyone ?!

contact your ISP for them to fix your problem .

Something to do with your ISP, you can check it out on ******* to fix it.

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