can't create boxes

hello how to make textdraws in a box ? I used a lot of FS like Zamaroht's TextDraw Editor but the texts go outside the box I tried more than 40 times to create it but it bug & bug ...any ideas how to create boxes with a simple way?

help plz 3 months ago I have this problem..
#3 ? I don't know what exactly do you mean. If drawing rectangles then you need to use textdrawlettersize and textsize

Sounds cool the function , I only want to create a box containing a textdraw.. the problem is how to set its pos & make the textdraw in it(I wanna the box take the size of the string)

help please it is what i want know....

helpppppppp hooow to create box textdraw......

I'm assuming you mean this...

When you first make the TD...

When you enable the box...

What it's supposed to look like...

So, you're having trouble getting it to look like the third image?

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