Give Nos by Drift

Hey guys, How are you? Ok So I thought yesterday night why I colud create a FS that gives the player amount of NOS according to his drift(I got this idea from Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box Game).The amount of Nos will be in Textdraw or in 3D Text.So is this possible to make this FS?I didnt tried anything yet.I am asking if this is possible.If,yes then i should start work on it.Answer please!

It is possible. If you save the nos to a variable. Once done, set a timer to check that variable, and if the variable if higher than 0 give the player nos, if it's 0, remove it. You need to detect whether a player is using nos, I think you can use OnPlayerKeyStateChange for this.

Good luck!

Originally Posted by Jari_Johnson*
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It is possible. If you save the nos to a variable. Once done, set a timer to check that variable, and if the variable if higher than 0 give the player nos, if it's 0, remove it. You need to detect whether a player is using nos, I think you can use OnPlayerKeyStateChange for this.

Good luck!
Umm k.I got but if i want to give a specific amount of nos like 10 % nos/drift.So what should i do?

Use Gamer_Z's drift plugin to use OnPlayerStartDrifting, and then add components 1008, 1009 and 1010 (2x, 5x and 10x nitro.)

Originally Posted by Rajat_Pawar
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Use Gamer_Z's drift plugin to use OnPlayerStartDrifting, and then add components 1008, 1009 and 1010 (2x, 5x and 10x nitro.)
Yo thanks

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