attached object to vehicle

yes im wondering on how to make a lightbar appear as this server did on theres, when the car moved the lightbar moves with it, i have seen this done on multiple servers but do not know how to do it, can someone please tell me how to make this happen?

here is a screenshot

when i get in this car the lightbar attached follows it, so again my ? is how to make this happen in a server i am making?

the picture used is from another server used as an example

will give reps as to who can help me

and CreateObject id 19419 or 19420 not sure

would that move with the vehicle as i drive?

yes . it does . thats the point of the whole function

now if i add that to one model does it add it to all the models with the same id? , because i want to add a Yosemite to the police department, but still be able to have civilian Yosemite\'s also , is that possible for the attach object to vehicle function?

Yes.. if u read the wiki.. it says

vehicleid - The ID of the vehicle to attach the object to. (unique to each vehicle)

Also its called AttachObjectToVehicle not VehicleModel xd

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