is the maximum amount of cases in a dialog 20?

hey all,

i been thinking about this for a while.

is the maximum amount of cases/listitems that a dialog can have 20?

because i can never get any cases above it, it never works...

i am using GarHouse now, and i have 39 house interiors, and it should load them all fine when doing /housemenu >>> buy/preview house interiors >>> buy/preview >>> all the 39 interiors.

but instead it shows listitem 0 - 19, item 20 is there but the text is half, its like {FFF, the rest is gone...

anyway is the max amount of cases 20? and if yes, then how to fix the issues above?


Your string is not big enough!
Increas the string size of the items will increas the cases u can have

i already did that, it didnt work...

You must be doing something wrong; show your code, please.

alright then.

pawn Код:
if(dialogid == HOUSEMENU+16 && response)
            case 0: SetPVarInt(playerid, "HouseIntUpgradeMod", 1);
            case 1: SetPVarInt(playerid, "HouseIntUpgradeMod", 2);
        CMDSString = "";
        Loop(i, MAX_HOUSE_INTERIORS, 0)
            format(filename, sizeof(filename), HINT_FILEPATH, i);
            if(!fexist(filename)) continue;
            if(i == (MAX_HOUSE_INTERIORS-1))
                    case 0..13: format(_tmpstring, sizeof(_tmpstring), "{00BC00}%d.\t{FFFF2A}%s\t\t\t{00BC00}$%d", (i + 1), hIntInfo[i][IntName], hIntInfo[i][IntValue]);
                    default: format(_tmpstring, sizeof(_tmpstring), "{00BC00}%d.\t{FFFF2A}%s\t\t{00BC00}$%d", (i + 1), hIntInfo[i][IntName], hIntInfo[i][IntValue]);
                    case 0..13: format(_tmpstring, sizeof(_tmpstring), "{00BC00}%d.\t{FFFF2A}%s\t\t\t{00BC00}$%d\n", (i + 1), hIntInfo[i][IntName], hIntInfo[i][IntValue]);
                    default: format(_tmpstring, sizeof(_tmpstring), "{00BC00}%d.\t{FFFF2A}%s\t\t{00BC00}$%d\n", (i + 1), hIntInfo[i][IntName], hIntInfo[i][IntValue]);
            strcat(CMDSString, _tmpstring);
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, HOUSEMENU+15, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, INFORMATION_HEADER, CMDSString, "Buy", "Cancel");
        return 1;
thats the code...

i already made the _tmpstring to 1500... should be more than enough.

Yes becouse the final string is CMDSString and who knows what the size is

thanks , you were right, the cmdsstring was wrong, never thought about that.

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