hi, can any one make for me :?

Hi, everyone.
im kinda new on this SAMP think. and i need a litle help.

First of all im going to host a small role play server with 25 slots.
I have been looking on the foruum. but i kinda didnt like any of them or some didnt exactly work.

I need a simple gamemode, with login & register. Admin levels atleast 3.
it can contain a vip system too. maximum 2 levels.

a few jobs. Like:
taxi driver, police man, bus driver, or something like that.
players can earn a normal mony. Pay day is every 3 days.
players can buy houses. cars.
Can have driving licence to drive with cars, but before start engine they need to put a seatbelt.

Weapon shop, gang system too.

Does any one have alredy gamemode like this. or can any one make it for me plss.
i have tested already so many GM, so far i got sick off doing that

Nobody will make you a RP gamemode for FREE ... you have some option:
1. Get pleased with what you find on the internet.
2. Pay someone to make you a RP gamemode.
3. Do it yourself .

I'll chose the last one.

There are a bunch of released scripts,get one and use it. Be pleased with those ones!

"Hello can you please give me a minus rep?"

Oh ye sure sure i will give you one.

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