14.03.2013, 20:18
Hi, i create log in this command but it have problem, when i use command and open log i says me:
But in command i add to display time name of admin and kicker and reason but dont write that.
Here is command:
What is problem how to fix this ??
AdmCmd: Э e isklucen odstrana na Э, pricina: Э
Here is command:
CMD:kick(playerid,params[]) { new id,name1[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], reason[35],name2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128]; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"Nemozete da ja koristite komandata"); if(sscanf(params,"uz",id,reason)) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Koristi: /kick [playerid] [pricina]"); if(!IsPlayerConnected(id)) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"Pogresen ID"); else { GetPlayerName(playerid,name1,sizeof(name1)); GetPlayerName(id,name2,sizeof(name2)); new year,month,day; getdate(year, month, day); format(string, sizeof(string),"AdmCmd: %s e isklucen odstrana na %s, pricina: %s",day,month,year,name2,name1,reason); acmdLog(string); GetPlayerName(playerid,name1,sizeof(name1)); GetPlayerName(id,name2,sizeof(name2)); format(string, sizeof(string),"AdmCmd: %s e isklucen odstrana na %s, pricina: %s",name2,name1,reason); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string); Kick(id); } return 1; }