[Tutorial] YSI: Examples for loading an XML file with y_td

Make sure you use fixed y_td: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...65#post2419465

Here's an example of an XML file which contains 2 styles and under the example there's descriptions for each property.

Edit: edited the example
  <textdraw name="TEXT">
  <textdraw name="TEXT2">
name String: name of the style (important)
x Float: x-coordinate
y Float: y-coordinate
letterx Float: horizontal letter size
lettery Float: vertical letter size
textx Float: horizontal text size
texty Float: vertical text size
alignment left, right or center
colour/colorHex: color
box Hex: box color (don't include this to set it off)
shadow Int: shadow value (0 = no shadow)
outline Int: outline value (0 = no outline)
background Hex: background color
font Int: font type
proportional toggle proportional (don't include this to set it off)
time Int: time how long the text draw will be displayed (in ms)

Here's an example how you load the XML file:
public OnGameModeInit()
	return 1;

Here's an example how you can show a styled text draw to a player:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
	new Style:styleid = TD_GetNamed("TEXT");

	new Text:textdrawid = TD_Display("Hello World", styleid);

	TD_ShowForPlayer(playerid, textdrawid);

	return 1;

Here's a full script which creates a text draw which changes color every second after player has spawned. I'm using the XML file shown on the top of the post.
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
#include <YSI\y_master>
#include <YSI\y_timers>
#include <YSI\y_td>

main() { }

new Text:td_pHelloWorld[MAX_PLAYERS];

// This function is just a wrapper for clean usage of the player-draws
stock td_Show(playerid, Text:textdrawid, Style:styleid, text[])
    if(textdrawid != Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW)
        // If the draw already exists, just set the content
        TD_SetString(textdrawid, text);
        // If the draw doesn't exist, create it
        textdrawid = TD_Display(text, styleid);
    // Show the draw
    return TD_ShowForPlayer(playerid, textdrawid);

public OnGameModeInit()
    // Parse the XML file
    // This is a must for a working gamemode, taken from some default script
    return 1;

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    // Format the content of the text draw "Hello <player name>"
    new string[64];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, string, sizeof(string));
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Hello %s", string);
    // Show the text draw to the player using style "TEXT"
    td_Show(playerid, td_pHelloWorld[playerid], TD_GetNamed("TEXT"), string);
    return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    // If the draw is active and a new player comes in -> remove the draw and set it invalid
    if(td_pHelloWorld[playerid] != Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW)
        td_pHelloWorld[playerid] = Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;

    return 1;

// Start a task (timer)
task ColorTimer[1000]()
    // Random colors
    static color_rotation[] =
    // Get style ID
    new Style:styleid = TD_GetNamed("TEXT");
    // Get style data
    new td_data[E_TD_DATA];
    TD_GetStyleData(styleid, td_data);
    // Take a random color which isn't the previous color
    new rand_color;
    while(!rand_color || rand_color == td_data[E_TD_DATA_COLOUR])
        rand_color = color_rotation[random(sizeof(color_rotation))];
    // Set style color
    TD_Colour(styleid, rand_color);
    return 1;

This looks good But you need to more explain things but for your effort and something new... 6/10

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