Change my name?

Hello can one of the SAMP forum Moderators or Admins please change my name from arathin to Arathin with a capital A please. Would be greatly appreciated!

You used to be able to PM beta testers or drop them a visitor message and they'd do it for you (as you can't do it yourself) but they stopped doing it. Probably became too much (there were many people asking for it).

To be honest, you only have 121 posts and 5 rep - will creating a new account really be a problem?

EDIT: To quote the forum rules:


Do not create alternate or multiple accounts.

Perhaps it would be an idea to PM a beta tester about being allowed to register a new account.

Visit one of the moderators profiles, see the spam about "Changing names" and checkout their replies. No, you can't. And why do you seem unhappy over a single damned "a"?

I know I know! Just change the capital 'A' in your avatar to a small 'a'. Problem solved.

I guess staff won't accept to change it so, Just ask them if you can make a new account.

Just deal with it, I wanted to change my name to Burm too but no one did it for me. I didn't make a topic I just moved on with it

make a new account !

Originally Posted by Yves
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make a new account !

Do not create alternate or multiple accounts.

Read other comments too.

You can delete your current account, then make a new one...

That wouldn't be 'multiple' or 'alternate.'

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