Timer goes on when player is offline


I have a little question, I have made a little VIP system with expire date, but I want to make the time continues when the player is offline, example:

I made someone donator for 20 seconds.

Timer goes on; 19.. 18.. 17, player quits server for 1 day, timer still continues from 17.. 16.. 15, but I don't want that.

I want this:

Timer goes on; 19.. 18.. 17, player quits server and joins again server within 10 seconds, the timer continues at 7.. 6.. 5.

How do I make that?


Sorry for bumping up, but how do I do this?

KillTimer in public OnPlayerDisconnet?

Just make a command, that you put for example uhm, 1 months?
It make a "expiration date", save it on a database then OnPlayerConnect check if today is the expiration date.
More easy. Sorry for bad eng.

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