Stremer by Incognito Multy Create object bug

When i try to create fast 10 object with streamer

Object get id and is created but not visible;

here printf after create

[03:10:53] Object created 4
[03:10:53] Object created 5
[03:10:53] Object created 6
[03:10:53] Object created 7
[03:10:53] Object created 8
[03:10:53] Object created 9
[03:10:53] Object created 10
[03:10:53] Object created 11
[03:10:53] Object created 12
[03:10:53] Object created 13
[03:10:53] Object created 14
[03:10:53] DONE
And when i count object is all there but is not on map so i can walk free on spot where walls shod be.

[03:32:01] TEST: Counted Dynamic Object 14
Loaded but not created

I use this to create object
pawn Код:
//x y z are removed but tested and not problem with it
CreateDynamicObject(4100,x, y, z,0.0 0.0, 0.0);

mmm make sure you have the last verion for this plugin/include: link

and use this native (i know the parameters you are missing are pre-defined by default but try it)

pawn Код:
CreateDynamicObject(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = 200.0);
making the example you give look like this...

pawn Код:
CreateDynamicObject(4100,x, y, z,0.0 0.0, 0.0, -1, -1, 200.0);

CreateDynamicObject(4100, x, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _, _, _, _);
the _ is the same thing as passing the default argument.

Originally Posted by VincentDunn
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CreateDynamicObject(4100, x, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, _, _, _, _);
the _ is the same thing as passing the default argument.
I know, i said it check version.

I was try this now and not working when i do this exact for loop under
ongamemodeinit object created and show on map but if i do it after stock,timer,public,forward....
then just load , get id , get on count , but on map nothing. Do i need to update after create or do something more

Originally Posted by deb014
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I know, i said it check version.
Look closely at the last few bits in your code, you left out the playerid argument.

@Azazelo - post your relevant ongamemodeinit code

pawn Код:
stock LoadObjList(list)
new a ,i = 0,modelid,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:xrot,Float:yrot,Float:zrot,objid;
a = listofo[list][max];
modelid = ReturnModel(list,i);
x = ReturnX(list,i);
y = ReturnY(list,i);
z = ReturnZ(list,i);
xrot = ReturnXrot(list,i);
yrot = ReturnYrot(list,i);
zrot = ReturnZrot(list,i);
objid = CreateDynamicObject(modelid,x,y,z,xrot,yrot,zrot,-1, -1,-1, 200.0);
printf("Object created %i",objid);
while (i <= a);
under on game mode work
under command not
list same in bt case

And log is identical when called under ongamemodeinit and when is called under command but when is caled with command then object not "spawn" (not visible and not have collision) technical not created but have id and dynamic count see it when count dynamic object.

Originally Posted by VincentDunn
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Look closely at the last few bits in your code, you left out the playerid argument.
my fault.. hehe!! you're right!

Originally Posted by Azazelo
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pawn Код:
stock LoadObjList(list)
new a ,i = 0,modelid,Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:xrot,Float:yrot,Float:zrot,objid;
a = listofo[list][max];
modelid = ReturnModel(list,i);
x = ReturnX(list,i);
y = ReturnY(list,i);
z = ReturnZ(list,i);
xrot = ReturnXrot(list,i);
yrot = ReturnYrot(list,i);
zrot = ReturnZrot(list,i);
objid = CreateDynamicObject(modelid,x,y,z,xrot,yrot,zrot,-1, -1,-1, 200.0);
printf("Object created %i",objid);
while (i <= a);
under on game mode work
under command not
list same in bt case
If you create these objecs under Gamemode Start, why a command to create again these objects? (I had understood that)... remember that "If some items are not appearing, there may be too many in one area. Lower the streaming distance by decreasing the "streamdistance" parameter on each native."according to streamer's general notes.

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