Calculating hex

How to calculate 0xXXXXXXFF from 0xXXXXXX? I don't know how to operate on older bytes, so I assume there has to be some shifting.

#e: Argh, is it even possible to store this thing in single cell?

Ok, so numbers over 0xFFFFFF are stored as negative:
pawn Код:
new a = 0xABCDEF;
new b = 0x000000FF;
new c = (a << 8) | b; //0xABCDEFFF

// Author: DracoBlue
pawn Код:
   if (string[0]==0) return 0;
   new i;
   new cur=1;
   new res=0;
   for (i=strlen(string);i>0;i--) {
     if (string[i-1]<58) res=res+cur*(string[i-1]-48); else res=res+cur*(string[i-1]-65+10);
   return res;

Edition WhiteJoker

pawn Код:
stock HexToInt(string[])
    if (string[0] == 0)
        return 0;
    new i;
    new cur = 1;
    new res = 0;
    for (i = strlen(string); i > 0; i--)
        if (string[i-1] < 58)
            res = res + cur * (string[i - 1] - 48);
            res = res + cur * (string[i-1] - 65 + 10);
            cur = cur * 16;
    return res;
May this be helpful to you

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