My Feet hurts. [Need Help]

Never mind. Thread closed.

go to a doctor


Best Advice Ever!
>> Go to a Doctor <<

LOL i never ever seen a post on the SAMP forum like this one Go to a Doctor

Originally Posted by Yves
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LOL i never ever seen a post on the SAMP forum like this one Go to a Doctor
This is not a script things that script this & pain gone.
Just one thing left so..go to doctor..dude use some mind. xD

didnt even say it was a script ??

This isn't a medical forum.

This is probably the worst place to ask such a question.

You're sharing to much info online, try to separate life from a game,or post at the
1-First thing go to the doctor.
2-Meanwhile don't put too much presure on the injured foot.
3-Don't try to massage it cause it will just fuck things up,real bad.
4-Wrap it with a soft bandage.
Those were just some precautions that might be useful before going to the doctor.

Got a problem?
Ask the sa-mp community! This group of mostly under 14-year-old kids spend most of their days on authentic real life and roleplaying servers. Their jobs range from police, over doctor, even to criminals, so the community got a really wide-spread knowledge and experience. No matter what your problem is about, there will always be someone who already dealed with that on some server and so youll always find competent help here. No more going outside to get help, just sit back in your chair and wait for the help to come to you!

Originally Posted by Mauzen
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Got a problem?
Ask the sa-mp community! This group of mostly under 14-year-old kids spend most of their days on authentic real life and roleplaying servers. Their jobs range from police, over doctor, even to criminals, so the community got a really wide-spread knowledge and experience. No matter what your problem is about, there will always be someone who already dealed with that on some server and so youll always find competent help here. No more going outside to get help, just sit back in your chair and wait for the help to come to you!
That is one of the best sarcastic jokes I have seen!

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