28.02.2013, 17:02
Hey I opend a server and to the FTP I didnt transfer all the files but I transferd almost all , So I cant enter the server , And this is here the server logs :
Somone can tell me whats the problem ?
And how to fix that ?
Server_Logs :
Somone can tell me whats the problem ?
And how to fix that ?
Server_Logs :
SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team [18:15:59] password = "" (string) [18:15:59] [18:15:59] Server Plugins [18:15:59] -------------- [18:15:59] Loading plugin: streamer [18:15:59] *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded *** [18:15:59] Loaded. [18:15:59] Loading plugin: sscanf [18:15:59] [18:15:59] =============================== [18:15:59] sscanf plugin loaded. [18:15:59] Version: 2.8.1 [18:15:59] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole [18:15:59] =============================== [18:15:59] Loaded. [18:15:59] Loading plugin: mysql [18:16:00] > MySQL plugin R7 successfully loaded. [18:16:00] Loaded. [18:16:00] Loading plugin: whirlpool [18:16:00] [18:16:00] ================== [18:16:00] [18:16:00] Whirlpool loaded [18:16:00] [18:16:00] ================== [18:16:00] [18:16:00] Loaded. [18:16:00] Loading plugin: nativechecker [18:16:00] Loaded. [18:16:00] Loaded 5 plugins. [18:16:00] [18:16:00] Filterscripts [18:16:00] --------------- [18:16:00] Loading filterscript 'YOM_BUTTONS.amx'... [18:16:00] Loading filterscript 'GCUSTOM.amx'... [18:16:00] Loaded 2 filterscripts. [18:16:00] [18:16:00] ======================================= [18:16:00] | | [18:16:00] | YSI version 3.01.0002 | [18:16:00] | By Alex "******" Cole | [18:16:00] | | [18:16:00] ======================================= [18:16:00] [18:16:00] This server folder has been put together by Somone. [18:16:00] [MySQL] (Main Pipelines) Connecting to [18:16:00] [MySQL] (MainPipeline) Connection successful toward MySQL Database Server! [18:16:00] [LoadHouses] Loading data from database... [18:16:00] [LoadDynamicDoors] Loading data from database... [18:16:00] [LoadDynamicMapIcons] Loading data from database... [18:16:00] [LoadTurfWars] 0 turfs loaded. [18:16:00] [LoadPaintballArenas] 10 paintball arenas loaded. [18:16:00] [LoadGates] 4000 gates loaded. [18:16:00] [LoadFamilies] 16 families loaded. [18:16:00] [LoadPoints] 9 points loaded. [18:16:01] [LoadCDealerships] 15 dealerships loaded. [18:16:01] [MiscLoad] Misc Loaded [18:16:04] Number of vehicle models: 66 [18:16:04] [18:16:04] [18:16:04] [LoadHouses] Failed to load any houses. [18:16:05] [LoadDynamicDoors] Failed to load any doors. [18:16:05] [LoadDynamicMapIcons] Failed to load any map icons. [18:16:20] Incoming connection: [18:16:23] [join] Vitto_Corleone has joined the server (0: [18:16:41] [MySQL] Query Error - (ErrorID: 1364) (Handle: 1) [18:16:41] [MySQL] Check /logs/querydump.log to review the query that threw the error. [18:16:41] Dumping query from 2013/2/28 (18:16:41) Description: Field 'CarsRestricted' doesn't have a default value (index 0). Query: [18:16:41] INSERT INTO `accounts` (`Username`, `Key`) VALUES ('Vitto_Corleone','C080212DA52207B72CEE3FE8D0D8776B70AE9F3397A24456007B38755CAAE0FFC72B9E55EBC9634B22A3B7B94874C3331785C359ED3CAB4738D934C012C83087') [18:17:30] [part] Vitto_Corleone has left the server (0:0)