27.01.2013, 17:31
Ok i started using AntiCheat - Balkan Secutity and i have a problem:
When I jump and collct money it kickes me, well i want to be kicked if Im using money cheats
Here is the code (this is just the money code not the whole anti cheat):
When I jump and collct money it kickes me, well i want to be kicked if Im using money cheats
Here is the code (this is just the money code not the whole anti cheat):
pawn Код:
//=====================[ANTI MONEY HACK]=====================
if(NN == 1)
if(GetPVarInt(i, "AdminProtect") == 0)
new money = GetPlayerMoney(i);
if(GetPVarInt(i, "SafeMoney") == 0 && money > Money1[i] && Protection[i] == 0 && kicked[i] == 0)
GetPlayerName(i, Plname, sizeof(Plname));
SendClientMessage(i,COLOR_YELLOW, "* AntiCheat: Your Money Has Been Reseted To Normal Value - Reason: Money Cheats!");
AC_BS_ResetPlayerMoney (i);
AC_BS_GivePlayerMoney (i, Money1[i]);
format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d]=> AntiCheat: Has Reseted %s Money - Reason: Money Cheats!",d,m,yr,h,mi,s,Plname);
if(MoneyWarning[i] == 3)
AC_BS_ResetPlayerMoney (i); kicked[i] = 1;
AC_BS_GivePlayerMoney (i, Money1[i]);
GetPlayerName(i, Plname, sizeof(Plname));
GetPlayerIp(i, ipadress, sizeof(ipadress));
format(string, sizeof(string), "*** AntiCheat: Has Kicked %s (%d) - Reason: Money Cheats!",Plname, playerid);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_RED, string);
format(stR, sizeof(stR),"{CD0000}Kicked!\n{FFF8DC}Name:{CD0000} %s\n{FFF8DC}Reason:{CD0000} Money Cheats\n{FFF8DC}IP:{CD0000} %s\n\n{CD0000}If You Think That You Are Kicked For No Reason Or The AntiCheat Has made A Mistake,\nPress F8 And Report Mistake On Forums With Proof!\nWeb Site: %s",Plname,ipadress,forum);
ShowPlayerDialog(i, 20000, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFF8DC}AntiCheat",stR, "Ok", "");
format(string,sizeof(string), "[%d/%d/%d]-[%d:%d:%d]=> AntiCheat: Has Kicked %s - Reason: Money Cheats!",d,m,yr,h,mi,s,Plname);
SetTimerEx("kick",10, false, "i", i);
if(GetPVarInt(i, "SafeMoney") == 1)
Protection[i] = 1;
Money1[i] = GetPlayerMoney(i);
SetPVarInt(i, "SafeMoney", 0);