Saving Vehicle Modifications

Dear Members,

I already created a Buyable Vehicle System for my game mode. Now i created 11 Slots for vehicle mods.

Lets say: Vehicle[vehicleid][vMod1] to Vehicle[vehicleid][vMod11]

I dont want to mod the vehicle using transfender , acr wheel angels , etc. Im trying to mod vehicles using a Business now.

What i want to do is: Make a function according to players vehicle model. According to Vehicle it shows the modifications which can be attached and saved. I know there will be a lot of arrays taking part in this function.

Do i need to do this separately for every vehicle model? I mean make a list of valid mods which can be attached to the vehicle and do everything according to it.

Im really confused on how to do it. If anyone can help me ill be really glad! Please dont link me to any other thread.

Ballu Miaa

first of let me help u by saying there are 13 ..... 1 -13 second u can create a variable to save modes like
pawn Код:
Vehicle[vehicleid][vMod][14] // 0-13
next u gonna need this u gonna know which is for which car .... which car can use what

and oh yeah >

and i currently looking for which component goes where yet the list should help u with most :/

and also

pawn Код:
// using as an example

new gTAXI;
public OnGameModeInit()
    gTAXI = AddStaticVehicle(420, -2482.4937, 2242.3936, 4.6225, 179.3656, 6, 1); // Taxi
    return 1;
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
    if (newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT)
        if (GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == gTAXI)
            AddVehicleComponent(gTAXI, 1010); // Nitro
            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFAA, "Nitro added to the Taxi.");
            Vehicle[vehicleid][vMod1] = 1010;
    return 1;
//my extenstion
OnVehicleSpawn // u need to put the add components on each vehicle....
and this may help as well

Some of the links and info you posted bro! That really helped me understanding it. I would try to make myself a system.

By the way tell me one thing.

On the above link , in front of some mods it is written "Some Transfender Cars" How to know those transfender cars. Help me make a list of components according to vehicle models bro!

Rep+8 for help!

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