[20:42:24] Script[gamemodes/hgrp10.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e-R2, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[20:42:22] weburl = "www.sa-mp.com" (string)
[20:42:22] Server Plugins
[20:42:22] --------------
[20:42:22] Loading plugin: audio

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[20:42:22] Loaded.
[20:42:22] Loading plugin: mysql

> MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded.

[20:42:22] Loaded.
[20:42:22] Loading plugin: sscanf

[20:42:22] ===============================

[20:42:22] sscanf plugin loaded.

[20:42:23] Version: 2.8.1

[20:42:23] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole

[20:42:23] ===============================

[20:42:23] Loaded.
[20:42:23] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 R2 by Incognito loaded ***

[20:42:23] Loaded.
[20:42:23] Loading plugin: nativechecker
[20:42:23] Loaded.
[20:42:23] Loading plugin: Streamer_CallbackHook
[20:42:23] Failed.
[20:42:23] Loaded 5 plugins.

[20:42:23] Filterscripts
[20:42:23] ---------------
[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'adminspec.amx'...
[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'attachments.amx'...
[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'base.amx'...
--Base FS loaded.

[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'baseaf.amx'...
--Base FS loaded.

[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'cargoship.amx'...
[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'ferriswheel.amx'...
[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'flymode.amx'...
[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'fsdebug.amx'...
* SA:MP DEBUG 0.2 *
[20:42:23] * By Simon Campbell *
[20:42:23] * Version: 0.5d *
[20:42:23] * -- LOADED *

[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'gl_ctions.amx'...
[20:42:23] Unable to load filterscript 'gl_ctions.amx'.
[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'gl_chatbubble.amx'...
--Speech bubble example loaded.

[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'gld_mapicon.amx'...
[20:42:23] Unable to load filterscript 'gld_mapicon.amx'.
[20:42:23] Loading filterscript 'gl_npcs.amx'...
[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'gl_property.amx'...
[20:42:24] Grand Larceny Property Filterscript
[20:42:24] -----------------------------------

[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'gl_realtime.amx'...
[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'iradio.amx'...
[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator.amx'...
[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'ls_mall.amx'...
[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'maxips.amx'...
*** Player IP limiting FS (maxips) Loaded. Max connections from 1 IP = 3

[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'menutest.amx'...
[20:42:24] Unable to load filterscript 'menutest.amx'.
[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'netstats.amx'...
[20:42:24] Unable to load filterscript 'netstats.amx'.
[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'npc_record.amx'...
[20:42:24] Unable to load filterscript 'npc_record.amx'.
[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'pirateship.amx'...
[20:42:24] Unable to load filterscript 'pirateship.amx'.
[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'pnetstats.amx'...
[20:42:24] Unable to load filterscript 'pnetstats.amx'.
[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'test_cmds.amx'...
[20:42:24] Unable to load filterscript 'test_cmds.amx'.
[20:42:24] Loading filterscript 'yom_but.amx'...
[20:42:24] Unable to load filterscript 'yom_but.amx'.
[20:42:24] Loaded 16 filterscripts.

[20:42:24] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_CallbackHook'
[20:42:24] Error: Function not registered: 'EditDynamicObject'
[20:42:24] Reading File: blank
[20:42:24] Reading File: properties/houses.txt
[20:42:24] Reading File: properties/businesses.txt
[20:42:24] Reading File: properties/banks.txt
[20:42:24] Reading File: properties/police.txt
[20:42:24] Script[gamemodes/hgrp10.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[20:42:24] Number of vehicle models: 0
[20:42:26] Incoming connection:
[20:42:26] Incoming connection:
[20:42:26] Incoming connection:
[20:42:26] Incoming connection:
[20:42:26] Incoming connection:
[20:42:26] Incoming connection:
[20:42:26] [npc:join] TrainDriverLS has joined the server (0:
[20:42:26] [npc:join] TrainDriverLV has joined the server (1:
[20:42:26] [npc:join] TrainDriverSF has joined the server (2:
[20:42:27] [npc:join] PilotLV has joined the server (3:
[20:42:27] [npc:join] PilotSF has joined the server (4:
[20:42:27] [npc:join] PilotLS has joined the server (5:

Someone can help me please?

Go into Server.cfg, Gamemodes, take out Grand Larceny from the Gamemode and then update the MYSQL and download Nativechecker, the Script[gamemodes/hgrp10.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" Sould be gone and the goto Scriptfiles scroll down to MYSQL and t sould look like this Hostname | Database | Password. Fill them in and you sould be fine.

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