Dynamic pickup wont come back.

Hiya, I've created a pickup to purchase vehicles. Even if do or if I don't use "DisablePlayerCheckpoint", the checkpoint disappears and never comes back...

I tried using the "OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCP" function and calling the checkpoint back, but that's not working either O_O

How can I get the checkpoint to reappear?

Originally Posted by InActtive™
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Hiya, I've created a pickup to purchase vehicles. Even if do or if I don't use "DisablePlayerCheckpoint", the checkpoint disappears and never comes back...

I tried using the "OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCP" function and calling the checkpoint back, but that's not working either O_O

How can I get the checkpoint to reappear?
What do you use CreateDynamicCP or SetPlayerCheckpoint to create this checkpoint
if you use SetPlayerCheckpoint then OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCPwn't be called if you exit this checkpoint.

Have you also tried to use

You said you created a pickup? And you use DisablePlayerCheckpoint? What did you create, a pickup or a checkpoint? If you used:
pawn Код:
new x;
x = CreateDynamicCP(..)
to create a checkpoint using Incognito's streamer, you can use the callback OnPlayerLeaveDynamicCP.
Else, you can use SetPlayerCheckpoint (SA-MP by default only gives this one function, you can set 1 checkpoint AT A TIME with this.)

Here's how I create the CPs.

In Global Variables:
pawn Код:
new CheckPoint[1]//Checkpont Count. Only 1 CP I have atm.
In my OnPlayerSpawn:
pawn Код:
CheckPoint[0] = CreateDynamicCP(550.0804,-1281.3746,17.2482, 1, -1, -1, -1, 100);
In my OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
    if(checkpointid == CheckPoint[0])
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 102, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Purchase Vehicle", "Type the name of the Vehicle you'd like to purchase here.", "Buy", "Cancel");
    return 1;
I've tried using TogglePlayerDynamicCP, I don't think I'm using it properly. Can you give me an example of your usage?

Like I said, OnPlayerLeaveCP doesn't work.. how would you use it?


Still haven't fixed my problem. Also changed the title to the correct title.

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