Set an admin name help

Ok in my gamemode I want a /setaname. I want it for my level 5 admins only and I want it to do this

Level 5 admin name is luke tony level 2 admins name is. Luke paul
Luke tony does /setaname luke_paul paul

When luke paul does /aduty his name is changed to paul when he leaves the server or goes of /aduty his name goes back to luke paul

Luke admin name is saved so when ever he does /aduty his name is changed to what the level 5 admin set it to
If his name is not set he can't do /aduty

Also I would like a / drag for lspd FBI SADPS and gov thanks alot

Sorry I'm no scripter I'm using a script my mate made before he passed away he gve it to me 2 days before its a high street rp and zgaming edit

Thanks alot

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