26.12.2012, 10:02
Последний раз редактировалось Yur; 26.12.2012 в 14:41.
Ok, ive made a small change with help from a friend, but we still have problems solving it, My gates will still not move and i really want the same password for them all.
#include <a_samp>
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT
#include <a_samp>
new agate;
new bgate;
new cgate;
new Hgate1;
new Hgate2;
new Hgate3;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
Hgate1 =0;
Hgate2 =0;
Hgate3 =0;
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(" Moving doors loaded");
agate = CreateObject(19458, 2433.04, -2064.56, -15.71,0.000000,0.000000, 90.00);//closed
bgate = CreateObject(19458, 2457.01, -2036.56, -15.78,0.000000,0.000000, 0.00); //Closed
cgate = CreateObject(8674, 2473.69, -2083.73, -16.37,0.000000, 180.00, 0.00); //Closed
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
print(" Moving doors unloaded");
return 1;
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/Hgate1", true) == 0)
if(Hgate1 == 0)
MoveObject(agate, 2430.00, -2064.50, -15.71, 2, 0.00, 90.00);//Opening
Hgate1 = 1;
if(Hgate1 == 1)
MoveObject(agate, 2433.04, -2064.56, -15.71, 2, 0.00, 90.00);//Closing
Hgate1 = 0;
return 1;
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/Hgate2", true) == 0)
if(Hgate2 == 0)
MoveObject(bgate, 2457.01, -2033.15, -15.78, 2, 0.000000, 0.00);//Opening
Hgate2 = 1;
if(Hgate2 == 1)
MoveObject(bgate, 2457.01, -2036.56, -15.78, 2,0.000000, 0.00);//Closing
Hgate2 = 0;
return 1;
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/Hgate3", true) == 0)
if(Hgate3 == 0)
MoveObject(cgate, 2475.15, -2083.73, -16.37, 2, 180.00, 0.00);//Opening
Hgate3 = 1;
if(Hgate3 == 1)
MoveObject(cgate, 2473.69, -2083.73, -16.37, 2, 180.00, 0.00);//Closing
Hgate3 = 0;
return 1;
return 0;
#include <a_samp>
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT
#include <a_samp>
new agate;
new bgate;
new cgate;
new Hgate1;
new Hgate2;
new Hgate3;
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
Hgate1 =0;
Hgate2 =0;
Hgate3 =0;
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(" Moving doors loaded");
agate = CreateObject(19458, 2433.04, -2064.56, -15.71,0.000000,0.000000, 90.00);//closed
bgate = CreateObject(19458, 2457.01, -2036.56, -15.78,0.000000,0.000000, 0.00); //Closed
cgate = CreateObject(8674, 2473.69, -2083.73, -16.37,0.000000, 180.00, 0.00); //Closed
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
print(" Moving doors unloaded");
return 1;
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/Hgate1", true) == 0)
if(Hgate1 == 0)
MoveObject(agate, 2430.00, -2064.50, -15.71, 2, 0.00, 90.00);//Opening
Hgate1 = 1;
if(Hgate1 == 1)
MoveObject(agate, 2433.04, -2064.56, -15.71, 2, 0.00, 90.00);//Closing
Hgate1 = 0;
return 1;
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/Hgate2", true) == 0)
if(Hgate2 == 0)
MoveObject(bgate, 2457.01, -2033.15, -15.78, 2, 0.000000, 0.00);//Opening
Hgate2 = 1;
if(Hgate2 == 1)
MoveObject(bgate, 2457.01, -2036.56, -15.78, 2,0.000000, 0.00);//Closing
Hgate2 = 0;
return 1;
if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/Hgate3", true) == 0)
if(Hgate3 == 0)
MoveObject(cgate, 2475.15, -2083.73, -16.37, 2, 180.00, 0.00);//Opening
Hgate3 = 1;
if(Hgate3 == 1)
MoveObject(cgate, 2473.69, -2083.73, -16.37, 2, 180.00, 0.00);//Closing
Hgate3 = 0;
return 1;
return 0;