Highering the FPS limit

Dear forum,

I'd like to know if I can change the FPS limit since I think it's locket at 90 or 100 right now. I'd like to higher this so I can record at a higher FPS so I can slow my footage more without loosing frames.

Thank you for reading.

right now, with frame limiter off, it is not possible for me to get over 100 fps. in SA-MP 0.3c you could get over 100 FPS, but since 0.3d i haven't talked to anyone who can get over 100 with frame limiter off.

So no, i don't think you can get above 100, try Single Player.

Thanks for the quick reply!

I hope they change this in future builds. Since I really like to greate some quallity slowmo footage. Since recording with 60 fps and slowing it down to 30 just isn't slow enough for me.

my fps has gone till 102 or 3

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