CMD Does not recognize car

Hey guys so i got this cmd:

pawn Код:
COMMAND:startmech(playerid, params[]) // work at mechanic and receive $180
  if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 30.0,2451.0056,-2118.1301,13.5469))return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xE0313AFF, "(( [Mechanic]You are not at the mechanic HQ! ))");
  if(!IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, 525)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xE0313AFF, "(( [Mechanic] You are not in a mechanics vehicle! ))");
  SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x3524C9FF, "(( [Mechanic] Deliver the tires to the checkpoint and receive your paycheck! ))");
  SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 848.1696,-1445.7803,13.5762, 5.0);
  return 1;
But when im in car id 525 (mech car) it still say you are not in a mechanics car!

525 is the modelid, you need to use the vehicleid and in that case, you should create the vehicle with a name and use that in the function.
pawn Код:
// Example:

// Global variable

// Somewhere you create the vehicle
mechanic_veh = CreateVehicle(525 ... /* rest of params */);

// to that command
if(!IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, mechanic_veh)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xE0313AFF, "(( [Mechanic] You are not in a mechanics vehicle! ))");
You should also check if he is driver to use the command, because he might be passenger.

Or, if you want it to apply to every mechanic car (which is what I'm thinking you're trying to do):
pawn Код:
if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 525) // return wrong vehicle

Originally Posted by Dwane
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525 is the modelid, you need to use the vehicleid and in that case, you should create the vehicle with a name and use that in the function.
pawn Код:
// Example:

// Global variable

// Somewhere you create the vehicle
mechanic_veh = CreateVehicle(525 ... /* rest of params */);

// to that command
if(!IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, mechanic_veh)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xE0313AFF, "(( [Mechanic] You are not in a mechanics vehicle! ))");
You should also check if he is driver to use the command, because he might be passenger.
like this?

pawn Код:

public OnFilterScriptInit()
    mechanic_veh = CreateVehicle(525,2475.3677,-2114.7422,13.3108,2.6581,129,135,60); // mechcar1
    mechanic_veh = CreateVehicle(525,2480.3181,-2114.5127,13.3162,2.6571,129,135,60); // mechcar2
    mechanic_veh = CreateVehicle(525,2485.0183,-2114.2949,13.3213,2.6560,129,135,60); // mechcar3
    mechanic_veh = CreateVehicle(525,2490.4072,-2114.0449,13.3223,2.6560,129,135,60); // mechcar4
    mechanic_veh = CreateVehicle(525,2497.4038,-2113.7207,13.3236,2.6560,129,135,60); // mechcar5
    mechanic_veh = CreateVehicle(525,2504.9688,-2113.3699,13.3250,2.6560,129,135,60); // mechcar6
    mechanic_veh = CreateVehicle(525,2511.7051,-2113.0574,13.3262,2.6560,129,135,60); // mechcar7
    CreatePickup(1239,1,2460.5691,-2118.7847,13.5530,0); // repair pickup
    Create3DTextLabel("(( Repair your vehicle here for $175, /repairvehicle ))", 0xEB0C0FFF, 2460.5691,-2118.7847,13.5530, 30.0, 0, 0); //repair label
    CreatePickup(1239,1,2451.0056,-2118.1301,13.5469,0); // startwork pickup
    Create3DTextLabel("(( Start working as mechanic, /startmech ))", 0xEB0C0FFF, 2451.0056,-2118.1301,13.5469, 30.0, 0, 0); //startwork label

If there aren't more vehicle with modelid 525 in your server, then you can use what Hiddos said, but in case you have more vehicles with that modelid, then use what I gave you, but you need more.
pawn Код:
    mechanic_veh[ 7 ]

public OnFilterScriptInit()
    mechanic_veh[ 0 ] = CreateVehicle(525,2475.3677,-2114.7422,13.3108,2.6581,129,135,60); // mechcar1
    mechanic_veh[ 1 ] = CreateVehicle(525,2480.3181,-2114.5127,13.3162,2.6571,129,135,60); // mechcar2
    mechanic_veh[ 2 ] = CreateVehicle(525,2485.0183,-2114.2949,13.3213,2.6560,129,135,60); // mechcar3
    mechanic_veh[ 3 ] = CreateVehicle(525,2490.4072,-2114.0449,13.3223,2.6560,129,135,60); // mechcar4
    mechanic_veh[ 4 ] = CreateVehicle(525,2497.4038,-2113.7207,13.3236,2.6560,129,135,60); // mechcar5
    mechanic_veh[ 5 ] = CreateVehicle(525,2504.9688,-2113.3699,13.3250,2.6560,129,135,60); // mechcar6
    mechanic_veh[ 6 ] = CreateVehicle(525,2511.7051,-2113.0574,13.3262,2.6560,129,135,60); // mechcar7
    CreatePickup(1239,1,2460.5691,-2118.7847,13.5530,0); // repair pickup
    Create3DTextLabel("(( Repair your vehicle here for $175, /repairvehicle ))", 0xEB0C0FFF, 2460.5691,-2118.7847,13.5530, 30.0, 0, 0); //repair label
    CreatePickup(1239,1,2451.0056,-2118.1301,13.5469,0); // startwork pickup
    Create3DTextLabel("(( Start working as mechanic, /startmech ))", 0xEB0C0FFF, 2451.0056,-2118.1301,13.5469, 30.0, 0, 0); //startwork label
pawn Код:
// Command
if(!IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, mechanic_veh[ 0 ]) || !IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, mechanic_veh[ 1 ])
|| !IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, mechanic_veh[ 2 ]) || !IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, mechanic_veh[ 3 ])
|| !IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, mechanic_veh[ 4 ]) || !IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, mechanic_veh[ 5 ])
|| !IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, mechanic_veh[ 6 ])) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xE0313AFF, "(( [Mechanic] You are not in a mechanics vehicle! ))");

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