



I personally prefer MYSQL as it has more functions to play around with, but others like using SQLite for various reasons such as, quick coding.


Depends on what you are going to do with it, it works almost the same, the only different is that you can reach MySQL from all locations if you allow it to, so you can reach MySQL data in your server, but you also can reach the same data on a website or application, SQLite basicly the same as INI files the only different is that you can load or save it with SQL queries which is alot faster and got much more functions.
I recommend MySQL because after setting it up, it's easier to manage your data and it's safer.
On the other side SQLite is easier to setup but you should be sure you won't need to reach your data from a website or a remote location else you should use MySQL.

The main reason I use MySQL instead of userfiles is because i have a UCP and it's alot easier to manage data and see statistics like active players for each year,month,week,day,hour or whatever you want, also it's alot more stable when you are working with hashed passwords, name changes, different data tables for each user.

If you know about SQL you will never use something else

SQLite doesn't have threaded capabilities, and the query syntax is quite a bit more strict than MySQL, but SQLite is really good for learning the query language since you don't have to install external plugins/software.

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