Dialog Case 0,1,2 ...

Well this is much of a question dealing about it. Well I have Diaogs which OnDialogResponse you set the case's to what you desire. Lets say I'm using Case 0. Its in my GM. So I create a filterscript which also I create a partly different dialog but at DialogResponse I use the same case. Etc. /dialog 1 and /dialog 2 . Now the question is, will the dialog's show or will they collide or it wont work at all?

Why don't you test it?

Anyway, if you have two different dialogs with the same ID, the latest one (the one called lastly) will replace the first one - I THINK.

If you have a ShowPlayerDialog with for example ID 52 in your gamemode and a ShowPlayerDialog with ID 52 in one of your filterscripts, they will both trigger that "case 52" of yours. As it tries to call OnDialogResponse with ID 52 in all scripts.

You can even have this:
Gamemode with ShowPlayerDialog with ID 52.
Filterscript 1 with ShowPlayerDialog with ID 52.
Filterscript 2 with OnDialogResponse with the 52 case.

OnDialogResponse will still be called in the second filterscript and it will still work.

Alright thanks.

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