03.12.2012, 08:15
Hey everyone i'd like to address to you all my recent problem with SA-MP. I'm kind of thinking it's a GFX problem but not entirely sure after having done some recent tests. Here's my specs first of all:
SA-MP version 0.3e
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Nvidia GeForce 9800GT
The problem is related to any server i connect to and has only sparked up recently (making me think the problem was a driver update). Basically what happens is once connected to the server, i don't see any texts, huds, radar,...nothing! I can easily play by choosing the character but everything else is missing, inlcuding chat and buttons. The hud and radar is obviously activated in the display options. Here are a few tests i have done:
- Tried other versions of SA-MP.
- Reinstalled GTA SA
- I'm playing with no mods whatsoever.
- Deleted gta set file.
- I've even reinstalled a 32bit of Windows 7 on another partition to just install GTA SA clean and try that but nothing.
- Uninstalled GFX drivers completely.
- Installed previous GFX drivers.
I have probably done other little things to but so many tests i can't even remember. This problem is killing me because i also work in I.T. and it just messes with my mind trying to think what the problem is, i still have a feeling it's GFX related. On my other computer everything works fine with another card.
Hope i've been specific enough for you guys, thanks in advance for your help!
SA-MP version 0.3e
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Nvidia GeForce 9800GT
The problem is related to any server i connect to and has only sparked up recently (making me think the problem was a driver update). Basically what happens is once connected to the server, i don't see any texts, huds, radar,...nothing! I can easily play by choosing the character but everything else is missing, inlcuding chat and buttons. The hud and radar is obviously activated in the display options. Here are a few tests i have done:
- Tried other versions of SA-MP.
- Reinstalled GTA SA
- I'm playing with no mods whatsoever.
- Deleted gta set file.
- I've even reinstalled a 32bit of Windows 7 on another partition to just install GTA SA clean and try that but nothing.
- Uninstalled GFX drivers completely.
- Installed previous GFX drivers.
I have probably done other little things to but so many tests i can't even remember. This problem is killing me because i also work in I.T. and it just messes with my mind trying to think what the problem is, i still have a feeling it's GFX related. On my other computer everything works fine with another card.
Hope i've been specific enough for you guys, thanks in advance for your help!