11.03.2012, 15:32
Последний раз редактировалось Aloushi; 27.04.2012 в 09:11.
Need For Speed(NFS)

im post this gamemode becosue im dont see a nice gm GM Drift im releasing it : Need For Speed(NFS) more than 50 map Drift , Drag , Race and rally.
really Great Work Using Dialog MSGBOX With colors when type /Teles /Cmds /Help .
Me Script Gamemode
LilD For Idea
Y-Less For Plugin Streamer
Drifts: /drift1-10 /driftcircle
DriftMaps: /driftschool /drifthard /basedrift /driftrocky /skydrift /driftstunt
Drags: /drag1-3
Dragmaps: /dragmap1 /dragmap2
AirPorts: /lsap1-2 /lvap /sfap /aa
TuneCars: /tune1-3 /tunecar
Others: /gowangcar /gofuelstation
/cmds for commands
/teles for teleports
time: /Day /night
/s /l for save and load pos
/tunecar /neon
/cig /beer /sprunk
Server Support:
Using Text Draw
Define colors
Automatic Nitro
Respawncar every 3 min
automatic chat bot.
Download [GM](NFS) BY Faour (ME)

im post this gamemode becosue im dont see a nice gm GM Drift im releasing it : Need For Speed(NFS) more than 50 map Drift , Drag , Race and rally.
really Great Work Using Dialog MSGBOX With colors when type /Teles /Cmds /Help .
Me Script Gamemode
LilD For Idea
Y-Less For Plugin Streamer
Drifts: /drift1-10 /driftcircle
DriftMaps: /driftschool /drifthard /basedrift /driftrocky /skydrift /driftstunt
Drags: /drag1-3
Dragmaps: /dragmap1 /dragmap2
AirPorts: /lsap1-2 /lvap /sfap /aa
TuneCars: /tune1-3 /tunecar
Others: /gowangcar /gofuelstation
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/teles", true)) { new BigString15[1900]; strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Drifts:{00FFFF} /drift1-10 /driftcircle\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}DriftMaps:{00FFFF} /driftschool /drifthard /basedrift /driftrocky /skydrift /driftstunt\n",1900); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Drags: {00FFFF} /drag1-3\n",1900); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Dragmaps: {00FFFF}/dragmap1 /dragmap2\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}RaceMaps:{00FFFF}/cirlclerace\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}RallyMaps:{00FFFF}/rally\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}AirPorts:{00FFFF} /lsap1-2 /lvap /sfap /aa\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}TuneCars:{00FFFF} /tune1-3 /tunecar\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Buycars: {00FFFF}/gowangcar\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}fuelcars:{00FFFF} /gofuelstation\n", 1900 ); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}--- Teleports ---", BigString15, "Select","Close"); return 1; }
/cmds for commands
/teles for teleports
time: /Day /night
/s /l for save and load pos
/tunecar /neon
/cig /beer /sprunk
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/cmds", true)) { new BigString15[1900]; strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Spawncar:{00FFFF} /v /car\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Car:{00FFFF} /lockcar /unlockcar\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Tunecar:{00FFFF} 2 /tunecar /Ltc1-13 /ltune /tune1-3 /fix /flip /count /neon\n",1900); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Drug:{00FFFF}/cig /beer /sprunk\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Health:{00FFFF}/healme\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Save and load place:{00FFFF} /S /L\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Time:{00FFFF}/night /day\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}Account: {00FFFF}/changepass /stats /resetstats /login /register\n", 1900 ); strcat(BigString15, "{FF0000}GOTO: {00FFFF}/goto\n", 1900 ); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}--- commands ---", BigString15, "Okey",""); return 1; }
Server Support:
Using Text Draw
Define colors
Automatic Nitro
Respawncar every 3 min
automatic chat bot.
#include <a_samp> #include <Streamer> new Text:Textdraw0; new Text:Textdraw1; new Text:Textdraw2; new Text:Textdraw3; new Text:Textdraw4; new Text:Textdraw5; new bool:AutoNOS[MAX_PLAYERS]; static Float:posx[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0.0; static Float:posy[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0.0; static Float:posz[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0.0; static Float:zangle[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0.0; static pmodelid[MAX_PLAYERS]; static pvehicleid[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Fowards forward ModCar(playerid); #pragma tabsize 0 #define RESPAWN_TIME 3 // Twenty minutes #define DIALOGID 1338 #define CURRENT_MESSAGES 7 #define MESSAGE_COLOR 0x4169E1FF #define MESSAGE_INTERVAL 45 #define neondialog 8131 #define PRESSED(%0) \ (((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0)) && ((oldkeys & (%0)) != (%0))) #define IsPlayerNotInVehicle(%0) (!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(%0)) #define COLOR_GREEN 0x33AA33AA #define COLOR_BRIGHTRED 0xFF0000AA #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF00AA #define COLOR_WATER 0xFF66FFAA #define COLOR_BLUE 0x3A47DEFF #define COLOR_TAN 0xBDB76BAA #define COLOR_PURPLE 0x800080AA #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFAA #define COLOR_LIGHTBLUE 0x33CCFFAA #define COLOR_ORANGE 0xFF9900AA #define COLOR_INDIGO 0x4B00B0AA #define COLOR_BLACK 0x00000000 #define COLOR_DARKGREY 0x696969FF #define yellow 0xFFFF00AA #define COLOR_RED 0xFF0000AA #define l_red 0xFF0000AA #define l_green 0x33FF33AA #if defined FILTERSCRIPT #define COLOR_GREY 0xAFAFAFAA
Download [GM](NFS) BY Faour (ME)