VPS Problem

Hi, I purchased a vps from hostgator to open my server on it. I put the server and when to turn it on in the console gives me this : "Started server on x.x.x.x:7788, with maxplayers: 50 lanmode is ON." But when I get on it is so:
HostName: (Retrieving info...) x.x.x.x:7788
Address: x.x.x.x:7788
Players: 0 / 0
Ping: 0
I want to say that I have tried multiple ports and the VPS has 2 IPs.
Sorry for my bad english.

First,remove the Ip in your post and use bind in server.cfg to bind the desired ip and also lanmode should be 0,Then it will says "lanmode is OFF"

i use bind in server.cfg and lanmode is 0 now but it's not working

your server Might even be crashing,post your server log here

Don't forget to change your rcon_password from "changeme".

Can you post here also your server.cfg file details?

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