30.10.2012, 00:58
Strange, but nowhere have I seen guides on how to change fighting styles with the preservation, well, in general, I decided to write your own manualchik)
~ In enum pInfo:
~ In public OnPlayerConnect:
~ In OnPlayerSave:
~ In OnPlayerLogin:
~ Team:
OnPlayerCommandText ( not zcmd ):
~ In public OnPlayerSpawn:
~ In public OnDialogRespeone:
Command is not 'paint', I think it's not so difficult 
I apologize if I did not write in that section.
Author: Лев aka Lion Creighton

Strange, but nowhere have I seen guides on how to change fighting styles with the preservation, well, in general, I decided to write your own manualchik)
~ In enum pInfo:
PHP код:
pStyle, // Combat style
PHP код:
PlayerInfo[playerid][pStyle] = 4; // At a connection the player is given a normal fighting style
PHP код:
PHP код:
PHP код:
CMD:style(playerid, params[]) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 777, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Buy combat style", "ELBOW [500$] \nGRABKICK [1000$] \nKNEEHEAD [1500$] \nKUNGFU [5000$] \nBOXING [1000$] \nRemove the fighting style [FREE]", "buy", "closed");
PHP код:
if(!strcmp(cmd, "/style", true)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 777, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Buy combat style", "ELBOW [500$] \nGRABKICK [1000$] \nKNEEHEAD [1500$] \nKUNGFU [5000$] \nBOXING [1000$] \nRemove the fighting style [FREE]", "buy", "closed");
PHP код:
SetPlayerFightingStyle(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pStyle]);
PHP код:
case 777:
case 0: PlayerInfo[playerid][pStyle] = 26,GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-500),SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{FFFFFF}You have successfully changed the style of fighting 'ELBOW'");
case 1: PlayerInfo[playerid][pStyle] = 15,GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-1000),SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{FFFFFF}You have successfully changed the style of fighting 'GRABKICK'");
case 2: PlayerInfo[playerid][pStyle] = 7,GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-1500),SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{FFFFFF}You have successfully changed the style of fighting 'KNEEHEAD'");
case 3: PlayerInfo[playerid][pStyle] = 6,GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-5000),SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{FFFFFF}You have successfully changed the style of fighting 'KUNGFU'");
case 4: PlayerInfo[playerid][pStyle] = 5,GivePlayerMoney(playerid,-100), SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"{FFFFFF}You have successfully changed the style of fighting 'BOXING'");
case 5: PlayerInfo[playerid][pStyle] = 4,SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FFFFFF}You have successfully removed the combat style");

I apologize if I did not write in that section.
Author: Лев aka Lion Creighton