French Homework help

Hey guys, I need some help. There is a long story on why I can't do this homework, if you wish to know, You may PM me, but I don't want to type it out right now as it is a long story.

I really need your help, so, here

The circled ones are the ones I have to do for tomorrow. Help?

I can't see the picture, I just get a square.

Ask the French section maybe ?

Originally Posted by Norbert_
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Ask the French section maybe ?
He is asking us, Not the french section. Even though it's a good suggestion.

Fixed it.

If it's such a long and important story, why don't you ask your teacher or classmates? They can surely help you better than any of us can.

J'ai dйcidй
Nous avons demandй
Tu as envoyй
Elles ont aimй
Il a visitй
Nous avons jouй
Ils ont perdu
Vous avez gagnй
Elle a parlй
On a achetй

Ce fыt un plaisir de t'aider

...i dont know french, but ask your teacher


1- I waited = J'ai attendu
2- You (singular) lost = Tu as perdu
3 - He won = Il a gagnй
4- She forgot = Elle a perdu
5 - They sent = Ils ont envoyй


1- Paul a fini ses devoir а six heures.
2- Hier soir, on a regardй Ali G а la tйlй.
3- J'ai achetй un CD.
4- Isabelle a garй sa voiture au parking.
5- Tu as jouй au rugby pour Tunbridge Well.
6- Ils ont vendu leur voiture.
7- Vous avez oubliй vos livres.
8- Nous avons montй les escaliers en courant.
9- Juliette et Sophie ont choisis une nouvelle robe.
10- J'ai gagnй au loto.

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