[QS] 2 question about script .

Hello , i want to make some thing clear for my self :

1 ) what does enum work for ?
2 ) what is " STOCK "

? I wanna know this two things THANK :

1-Enumerations are a very useful system for representing large groups of data and modifying constants quickly. There are a few main uses - replacing large sets of define statements, symbolically representing array slots (these are actually the same thing but they look different) and creating new tags.

2-Stocks are a form of function. The only noticeable difference between a stock and a function is that when you don't use a stock, you don't get a warning. Stocks are powerful little tools that allow you to move large repeated bits of code away from the main block, making it easier to edit something that is used in multiple places.

i hope that i was helpful, use wiki.samp.com for more..

At least when you copy/paste from the wiki have the decency to include the link to the article. https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Keywords:Initialisers

Any way thanks to both of you .

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