Real Market System, Player based

Greetings all,

This is a hamble request. Specially to my senior respected Scripter friends.

I would like to answer few questions first:

1. Why dont you script it yourself?
A. Im not a good scripter, I tried. Not Once, Several times. I did not accomplish this gaol.

2. Why should we help you?
A. Its your choice to help me or not, But only reason i see so far is, im requesting you to help me.

3. What will we get from this?
A. =/ I wish i could offer you what you demand in return of helping me with this.

Please dont mention these questions below, since i already answered them. These questions are the most commonly seen on the samp forums. "Do it yourself". I did and gave my best shot, Didnt work for me. Maybe im not that blessed to achieve my goals way to easily without anyone assistance.


Description: This thing will be added in a game mode. I would say. RP server's game mode. I want it to be based on like not random market created by scripted which players can easily buy guns and also sell them on it.

Like, All dialog system. or not, For Example.

Player type this command /market and he sees this in text

1. Seller John_Cena | Item: Deagle | Ammo: 200 | Price: 5000
2. Seller The_Rock | Item: Deagle | Ammo: 100 | Price: 2500
3. Seller Randy_Orton | Item: M4 | Ammo: 42 | Price: 6000
4. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
5. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
6. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
7. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
8. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
9. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
10. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0

Well, Then player decide to buy the cheapest weapon in the list, so he types /mbuy 2 or Press Enter on the Dialog. So it becomes like this

1. Seller John_Cena | Item: Deagle | Ammo: 200 | Price: 5000
2. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
3. Seller Randy_Orton | Item: M4 | Ammo: 42 | Price: 6000
4. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
5. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
6. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
7. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
8. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
9. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
10. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0

Now the selling thing, When player got a weapon in his hand. He can just type like /msell. Dialog shows up. asking for Price.

Like player got AK-47 with 215 Ammo, He types in like /msell [slot] [price] or through the dialog system.

/msell 7 7000

1. Seller John_Cena | Item: Deagle | Ammo: 200 | Price: 5000
2. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
3. Seller Randy_Orton | Item: M4 | Ammo: 42 | Price: 6000
4. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
5. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
6. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
2. Seller THAT_PLAYER | Item: AK-47 | Ammo: 215 | Price: 7000
8. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
9. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0
10. Seller None | Item: N/A | Ammo: 0 | Price: 0

and then it shows like this when other players check the market. Simple =)

and it stays even after server restart. So its prolly gonna save somewhere in scriptfiles.

Im Expecting alot from SAMP community. Please help me as much as you can build this system.

Can no one really want to help me make this? o.O

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